Thursday, November 7, 2013


I have ANOTHER sinus infection.  I counted, and this is my 15th since August of last year.  That's insane.  I tried to get into my ENT but they couldn't see me until Tuesday, so I went to Urgent Care.  The PA came in, asked me what I thought was wrong, looked in my ears and throat, listened to my lungs, and said, "yep.  You didn't need a Dr. to tell you what you already knew.  Let's get you some antibiotics."  Sigh.  It's all very annoying on multiple levels.  I decided I needed some shoes to cheer me up.  I bought slippers today, so these would have to be on-line shoes.  I like to type random things into the image search, so today I typed "cheerful shoes:"
I have no idea what these are.  Magnets?  Shivs?  They are certainly bright, so I suppose that qualifies as cheerful.

I'm not sure I would necessarily qualify these as cheerful.  They are definitely bright, but they remind me of something Katniss would wear as the "girl on fire" in The Hunger Games, which was decidedly not cheerful.
Stripes and rainbows!  Definitely cheerful in my world.  Although they kind of look like someone did the stripes with sharpies.

Awww...butterflies.  Double A would love these.

Oh, hush.  You knew they were coming.  These are bright and fun and adorable.
So, it turns out you get different shoes when typing in cheerful shoes as opposed to happy shoes.  I still feel like crap, but I am now marginally more cheerful.  Think it's time to go to the pharmacy and see if my prescriptions are ready.  Oh joy.

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