Friday, November 8, 2013


Today I made our Vicar choose the number.  A vicar is a seminary intern, and most often the title is used on the East Coast, but as our Senior Pastor went to seminary in Columbus, OH, we use the term, here.  I was also a vicar on internship, because I did mine in PA.  For 10 months no one really used my name, they just called me Vicah.   Which is what I now call our poor vicar, and consequently so does part of our congregation.  My apologies to the vicarrrr.  Anyhoo, the vicar chose 300, which gives us this in the shoe book:
On any other day I might get more excited about this.  It's historical, and the explanation says that waterproof boots were one of the first steps in emancipation for women.  Huh.  That's worth exploring.  But not today, because today the Handbags book has given me this:
Scottie dogs!  (and poodles, but it's the Scottie dogs I'm interested in).  I love Scottie dogs!  I had an adorable outfit as a kid that was green with black Scottie dogs wearing red bows (I think).  I'm not sure if I loved Scottie dogs as a kid and chose that material, or if my mom chose it, made the outfit, and THEN I loved them.  Regardless, I still have a soft spot in my heart for them.  Of course I went searching for shoes:

Normally I wouldn't show multiple colors of the exact same shoe, but I love these so very much that I had to show them all.  If you want more Scottie dog shoes you can go peruse at your leisure.  I'm pretty sure I  now need a pair of Scottie dog shoes.  Probably not this exact pair because most likely they are freaking expensive, but I am now on a mission!


  1. I did make the outfit, you did choose the material but I don't know if the love of Scotty dogs came before or after. Since I've always loved Scotty dogs you may have been unduly influenced. You can have the blue ones, AA can have the green and I guess the Bean will have to be stuck with red since there are no purple. ME

    1. There might be purple and I just didn't find a picture? Oh, I did find the black pair for $118. Sadly I'm not going to spend that much even for adorableness. How old was I when I had that outfit? It was a skirt, right? Or a jumper? Didn't I have a sweater, too? WHY didn't we document every outfit I ever wore in case there was a blog someday???

    2. It was a skirt with straps, not sure about the top and I imagine there is documentation if I am ambitious enough to go look for it. I'm guessing you were somewhere between 8 & 11. I also found the black pair for $118 AND $128 - the $128 pair was listed as inexpensive. ME

    3. I was right! I told our parish administrator that I thought it had straps. Clearly I am just really cheap if that's inexpensive.
