Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day of the Doctor

The hubby loves Doctor Who, and today is the 50th anniversary of the TV Show.  It has been on for 50 years, and there have been 11 doctors.  I'm not going to try to explain it to you, because there is time travel, regeneration, and lots of science fiction.  If you really want to try to figure it out, go here (and hopefully your brain doesn't explode from too much information).  I've seen bits and pieces, and it looks like a really good show, but today was the first full episode I've ever seen.  I'm guessing you either LOVE the show or have never seen it.  There doesn't seem to be much in-between.  At any rate, 50 years is pretty impressive, so here is a post in honor of the hubby:
These seem to be in reference to David Tennant as the Doctor, and I think I saw pairs that referenced the wardrobe choices of each Doctor.  Oh, if you want to explore the insane number of shoes, go here.

Weeping angels.  Creeeeeeepy.  They're statues.  They're aliens.  They'll kill you.

Another wardrobe reference.  I don't know which one.  The hubby would know, but he's not here at the moment.  I liked that there were heels as well as tennies.

On the left is the Tardis, the Doctor's means of travel.  On the right is a Dalek.  They are the enemy, and this is the only instance I can think of where what is basically a salt shaker is somehow scary and threatening.

This is Tom Baker, and he is the hubby's favorite Doctor.  He thinks I should make a scarf like this for Pedro.  Which would actually be pretty hilarious.
So, Happy Day of the Doctor to all you fans out there!  Please don't point out all of the flaws and gaps in my knowledge...

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