Sunday, November 24, 2013

Catching Fire

The hubby and I saw the new Hunger Games movie tonight.  It's the 2nd of the trilogy, and I liked it even better than the first.  I've read the books a couple of times.  The first time I struggled with a good part of the first book and then suddenly got sucked in and devoured the rest very quickly.  I always have trouble with movies that were books first because there is so much that needs to be different to translate to the big screen.  And there's always those things they add or leave out that make absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.  But, like I said, we both really liked this one, and I wasn't too obsessed with comparing to the book, so they must have done something well.  Now, on to the shoes!
These are the covers for the first 2 books.  I really don't know why it continues to surprise me that someone will make a shoe with dang near any theme you could ever imagine.  Who wears these?

Although, I do have to say that it does continue to provide me with topics to post about, so I suppose I shouldn't complain.  But, even with the sparkles, I just can't get on board with these.

Definite 2nd book/movie reference.  If you don't already know what it means, then go read the book.  Or watch the movie, but come know the book  is better.

These are insane.  Again, who wears these?

I have no new comments.  See above, and repeat.

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