Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

On Friday I did a post on blue and sparkly shoes.  My mama's comment on that particular post was that the shoes were nice but they'd be better if they were green.  Oh, silly mom...I was already way ahead of you.  Since mom, the seester, Double A, and SKD all like green, I had already thought it would be fun, and had already gone in search for green, sparkly shoes. Then one thing led to another and I ended up doing other posts.  But apparently the universe was trying to tell me something, because now I can post the green and sparkly on the day of my parents' 47th wedding anniversary.  (I'm not actually sure if my dad has a favorite color, but since he doesn't read this blog, I don't think he'll care).

Yay sparkly flats!

Basic and fun.

I like the bow on these.

Holy boots, batman!  Those are crazy.  Who wears these?  Dominatrix Leprechauns?
Even the calendar got into the spirit today:
They aren't sparkly, but they are green (albeit  weird green).  These are just odd.  I think they are supposed to be reminiscent of a tree, but I keep seeing weird, sickly green, snowflakes.  I'm saying no to weird, sickly green, snowflake booties.
But I say yes to my parents for getting married!  Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!  I'd say shoot for another 47, but damn you'd be old! :-P

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the green shoes! I love the green and the sparkly but I'm not impressed with the styles of the heels or boots. ME
