Monday, November 25, 2013

Another Person With Shoes

I had planned a different post for today, but then the calendar presented me with this:

The shoe itself is fine; interesting shape.  I might not even have paid much attention to it if I hadn't read the description and discovered that they have the same name as Tink's and Pippi's mama.  It's not that common of a name (at least to me), so it jumped out at me.  Of course then I had to go searching for more:
Same shoe, just in blue.  (aren't you super glad I'm here to point these things out to you?  Hooray for She Who Blogs the Obvious!)

They aren't nearly so pointy looing from this angle.  I might like them better now.  I'd have to see them on, though, before making any kind of decision.

Again, same shoe, just in purple.  You're welcome.

This one was listed with the same name, but now we get a little variety.  This one is more like a booty.  I kind of like it, and I kind of don't.  I have mixed emotions about the half-booty/half-pump look.
Yay for fun shoes named after someone I like!  But sigh...when do I get fun shoes named after me??


  1. Have you googled it to find out if there are cute shoes named after you? ME
