Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happy Birthday, Hubby!

Today is the hubby's birthday!  It didn't start out so great, what with car issues and a few other annoyances, but it ended up in a good place.  Since it's his birthday, we will celebrate with both shoes and food:
I've posted variations of the cupcake shoes before, especially as people keep posting them to my facebook wall.  They are cute, and I'm sure they would never look like this if I tried to make them.  This would be my birthday selection, though.  The hubby's not so into the cake.  Actually, he doesn't do desserts at all but when he was still eating sweets he was more into
cheesecake of almost any flavor.  Our first year together I made him an insanely rich peanut butter cup cheesecake.  I didn't decorate with a shoe though.

He also loved the donuts.  He's doing great, though.  He can walk by a display of donuts and not even glance twice.  I can totally do the same thing.  With donuts.  Not chocolate.

His favorite might be gummies, though.  Man looooves his gummies.  I got him Dots for some gift-giving occasion one year and was mildly surprised he didn't propose on the spot.
Happy Birthday, Hubby!  (that's rhetorical...he doesn't read the blog)

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