Wednesday, November 13, 2013


We did our staff Christmas picture today.  There were 13 of us outside, dressed in red and black, and wearing a variety of Christmas hats.  As you probably know, I'm generally opposed to Christmas in November, except for things like this:  In order to get the church card done and sent out, we have to take the picture now.  I've also been making and shopping for Christmas presents, because they need to be mailed, and I need to get them done.  It still felt really weird to be wearing a Christmas hat.  The weather doesn't help as it's been in the mid 70s all week, which isn't even Fall weather, let alone Christmas weather.  OK, I've now used the word Christmas WAY too many times for this post.  We need some Thanksgiving up in this post!  On that note, I bring you socks:
These are adorable, and I would like a pair, please.  I really should figure out how to make the pictures on this blog actually materialize from my imaginary shoe closet.  That would be awesome.

I actually own these, and wore them yesterday.  I own 2 pairs, but haven't worn the second pair yet, and didn't find a picture when I was searching.

The turkey pair reminds me of a quilt.  Anyone out there who can quilt me a pair of socks?


These aren't overtly Thanksgiving, but they are Fall colors, and I love stripes, so there.

1 comment:

  1. I really doubt that you would enjoy wearing quilted socks. I've been listening to Christmas music for the last 45 min., the dulcimer group is practicing. ME
