Monday, November 11, 2013

Hedgie Hogs

This post is in honor of Tink's and Pippi's older sister, who is awesome, who is currently living in Norway, and who loves hedgehogs.  I never really thought much about hedgehogs before she started posting stuff about them on facebook, but I have to admit that they are pretty freakin adorable.  Maybe not adorable enough that I'm going to give in the hubby's latest requests that we get 3 for pets (aren't dragons enough?).  Last night's barrage of pleading came after watching this (disregard the weird music):
Cute, right?  Although I'm not completely sure that the hedgehog like the bath.  It might just be in curl up and hope for the best mode.  But, on to some hedgehog inspired footwear:

It's a collection containing both adorable and very weird.  You can decide for yourselves which are which. 


  1. I like the blue shoes and the red boots. ME

    1. Then you pass the test! :-) The other ones are crazy.
