Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I've mentioned before that my parishioners are aware and actively involved in my shoe collection.  Sometimes maybe even more than I am, actually.  They love to bring me shoe related items of many varieties.  The past couple of Christmases I've gotten several different shoe ornaments for the Christmas tree.  Not a lot, but enough that I was starting to think it might be fun to have a shoe-themed tree somewhere in the house.  Today I received an awesome gift that will make that tree even better:
Go home bootie, you're drunk.  Not because it is a crazy shoe (well, maybe a little), but because it wouldn't stand up and I had to lean it against the wall to take the picture.

Nice, standard pumps in very fun and shiny Christmas colors.  I'd wear these if the real ones didn't have bric brac around them.

Fuzzy, but sparkly!  And you know how I love a good ankle strap.

But these are my favorites because they are so hilarious.  I kind of want them in  my size because they would make me (and probably everyone else) laugh a lot.  The staff was saying I definitely need to get these for Christmas Eve just to watch the reactions of people when they knelt down for communion.  Yep, these are just what people need to be thinking about on the night when we celebrate the birth of the savior...


  1. What a fun tree that will be! ME

    1. Now I just have to figure out where to put it. Our house isn't really conducive to multiple trees...
