Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Shoes for a Rainy Day

It started raining last night, and it rained most of today.  Lots and lots of rain that flooded every parking space I tried to pull into while running errands (or so it seemed).  It was the kind of day to stay home and curl up with a good book.  So of course I was at work.  I did rain boots when it rained in September, so here are some other rain inspired shoes for you to look at:

2 pairs of very literal rainy day shoes.  I like the first pair, I think they are whimsical.  I'm not sure what I think about the booties, exactly.  They are cute, but I don't think I would get them necessarily.

These are hilarious.  I hope they are a joke of some kind, because I really don't see that umbrella as actually protecting those shoes in any real way.

A shoe made out of drink umbrellas!  Kind of makes me want to try it.  Looks like I'd have to drink what? 7 or 8 mai tais?  And I can only do that in Waikiki with the BSF.  Let's go! 
Pretty sure I need this or one similar.  It's the only time it's OK for your pretty shoes to get wet!
And finally, an update.  Remember when I said that the hubby and I were training for a 5K?  Well, we did great for the first week.  And then the hubby did something to his back and I got another sinus infection.  So we basically suck.  We still want to do it, we just need to heal up enough to get back to it.  My body betrays us enough, we don't need his to start acting up too.


  1. You could just buy the drink umbrellas you know. Less fun but less expensive than a trip to Hawaii. ME

    1. There is no room for practicality when it comes to mai tai umbrella shoes!!!
