Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today was a good day.  It was busy, with lots of meetings, but overall, it was a good day.  Unfortunately, it was a day where I had absolutely no idea of what to write here.  Instead of overthinking it, I'm just taking what the day gives me.  We'll start with the shoes of the day:
If you feel like you've seen these before, you have.  I think I was wearing pants the last time I put them on the blog, but I'm too lazy to go look.  I also have these in blue, and I'm not sure those have been on here at all.  Again...too lazy to look.
The poor shoe calendar has been neglected of late.  There have been some cute/hideous/boring/whatever shoes, but I for some reason haven't been posting many of them.  Since today's post is about today, though, the calendar shoes finally get to make an appearance.  And I like them.  Sorry for the poor quality, I had to use my phone camera.   These have green and pink flowers on them, and are satin, with a gold platform.  Very cute.
Today is 11-21-13.  11+21+13=45, so this is page 45 of the handbag book.  Yay for a fun, beaded handbag from the 50s!

And this is page 45 of the shoe book.  The top pair was made for Elizabeth Taylor in the 80s, the lower pair were worn by Lana Turner in the 1955 movie The Prodigal.  I don't particularly care for either pair, but I'm always up for some random, celebrity trivia!
There you go, random shoe-ness inspired by the day.


  1. My day include 2 adorable pairs of baby shoes and Laughter's stompin boots. I neglected to take pictures of any of them. :-( ME

    1. It's OK. You were too busy enjoying those adorable twin boys!
