Saturday, November 9, 2013

Shower of the Baby Variety

I attended a baby shower for one of our preschool teachers today.  She is seriously the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen (I might say that for every pregnant woman I see, but she really is adorable).  Her baby girl is due the beginning of January, and we spent a couple of hours together oohing and aahing over all of the cute tiny presents she opened.  I won the baby game.  You know, the one where you can't say the word baby or someone else can take your pin away?  We also played where you couldn't cross your legs or someone could take your pin away.  I think I had all 12 pins by the end of the game.  I suck at most shower games, but give me one where I have to pay attention, and my introvert self kicks in to high gear.  I don't know if I should be proud or weirded out.
Anyway, I made shoes for the baby!  It was my first foray into shoes, and turned out to be a lot of fun.
I loved the colors, and this was a great, simple pattern to start with.  I just hope they fit.  (and yes one is slightly bigger than the other.  I've never been consistent with my tension, although I've gotten much better over the years--I'm just going to say that gives them character?)

I also made a hat.  I love the little floppy doo-dads on the side.  I have no idea why they are necessary in life, and at the same time I think they are totally necessary because cute.
And an afghan.  Maybe I went overboard?  But I got sucked into the bright colors and apparently couldn't stop.

These were a gift from our parish administrator.  They are socks that look like Mary Janes!  Every baby needs a pair!  Heck, I need a pair, except then my real shoes would cover up the sock shoes.  And who wants that?


  1. Laughter had & has several pairs of the mary jane socks which she now wears in her boots.

    1. How did I not know this? Why are there not pictures?

  2. We can't anticipate everything that's going to catch your fancy. ME

    1. Something that involves the nieces + shoes? Duh! :-P
