Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you are enjoying a lovely day of feasting, family, and friends.  But hopefully not feasting ON family and friends.  Because that's just awkward.  The hubby and I will be spending the day with some friends, and while I miss my family terribly, it's nice to have somewhere to go and be in fellowship.  I'm wearing my turkey socks in honor of the occasion.  If you don't have any Thanksgiving-themed accessories, here are some shoes to enjoy:

These are all quite...festive.  I like the middle two the best, I think.  Baby shoes are almost always adorable, and I like the ribbon laces in the third pair.
Today is also the first time in something like 700 years that Hanukkah falls on Thanksgiving (it actually started last night, so this is the 2nd day).  I keep seeing it referred to as Thanksgivukkah, and hearing reference to sweet potato latkes.  Sounds yummy to me.  In honor of my Jewish friends (I don't think I have any Jewish readers, but if I do, Hi!), here are some Hanukkah shoes:
I love that there are baby shoes for nearly every occasion!

Oh dear.  This is rather tacky, isn't it?  Is this the Jewish equivalent of dog nativities?

Hmmmm....seems to be  theme.  Help me out, nonexistent Jewish readers, and let me know if I am missing something?
AND, today also happens to be our Parish Administrator's anniversary!  Since I was a very bad blogger/pastor and didn't do a birthday post for her, here are some plaid shoes in her honor:
Love these.  Want them for Christmas Eve service.

Awwww....see?  Baby shoes for every occasion!

See, PA?  I even gave ya some flats!
And finally, because holidays aren't complete for me without a little Snoopy:
Happy Thanksgiving/Hanukkah/Anniversary/whatever, everyone!

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