Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

It's the day after Thanksgiving; Black Friday.  I've never been a Black Friday shopper.  I'd rather stay home in comfy clothes, relax, and eat pie for breakfast.  We did run a couple of errands, but nothing specifically Black Friday related.  Tonight we are kicking back with some Christmas movies.  Since its Black Friday, I'm giving you black shoes.  I've done black before, but you can never have too many pairs of black shoes, right?  I give them to you without comment as I'm too relaxed and sleepy to do much more:

Hope you are having  good weekend.  I keep thinking it's Saturday and I have to work tomorrow and then I remember it's only Friday!  Woohoo!  I can't remember the last time I had a 3 day weekend.


  1. The cherry ones would be perfect at the Cherry Festival in Polson! ME
