Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent 1

I love the season of Advent for many reasons.  Reasons I will tell you another day as I have a very limited time to write tonight.  One reason I love the season is that it's liturgical color is blue.  Sadly, the season is only 4 weeks, but happily that means I can wear a different pair of blue shoes each Sunday. Here is today's pair:
Yep, those are my wedding shoes, which I love love love.  And I love that I get to wear them more than just for the wedding.

In other blue news, here is my Advent wreath for this year.  More blue.  I can never find blue candles that don't smell horrendous, and try to kill me with allergies, so I always buy white or cream and wrap them in ribbon.  I'm quite proud of myself.
OK, sorry so short, but the hubby and I are off to see It's a Wonderful Life.  I'll let you know tomorrow how it was.

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