Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pig Roast

Today was devoted to decorating and running errands.  The hubby started on the outside Christmas lights while I started on the inside.  We didn't actually get very far as of course there's always something that needs to be picked up.  We just got back from running errands and are about to get ready to go to a pig roast.  Yep, that's what I said.  There is a family in my congregation who does one every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but this is the first year I have been able to go. In honor of the occasion...
Is it just me, or are these kind of creepy?  It's like they know where I'm going tonight and they are glaring accusingly.

Heehee...much cuter!

Also cute!  Not sure what their expressions are, exactly, but they crack me up.

Pigs in shoes!  Oh dear...I make my own fun, don't I?  These are just too fun.
Wish me luck tonight.  I prefer my meat the way God intended:  wrapped in cellophane in the grocery store.