Sunday, December 22, 2013

Advent 4 was the last Sunday of Advent, which means another 11 months until I get my favorite blue season back.  It also means that Christmas is right around the corner.  Eek!  Here are the last of the 4 Advent shoes:

I actually only wore these for the first service because I just wasn't feeling the heels this morning (I know...who AM I?)  I love the 2 shades of blue on these, and the strap across the foot.

The BSF gave these to me for Christmas this year.  Blue AND dragonflies.  She is awesome.

This is the scarf she gave me for Christmas 3 years ago (I think).  Did I mention she is awesome?
I preached today and taught Sunday School.  Tonight the hubby and I did night 2 of driving around and looking at Christmas lights.  One house was my absolute favorite, and the crazy people invited us in for a tour of the inside!  I think the hubby might be in love a little bit.  He was definitely coveting their decorations.  To be honest, I was coveting their amazing nativity myself.  Most of the big light houses are way too over the top for me.  I like a little more simplicity in my decorations.  Now I must finish laundry and go to bed.  Such is my exciting life.

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