Monday, December 23, 2013


The hubby and I went to see The Nutcracker at the Sacramento Ballet today.  It was beautiful and I'm so glad we went.  We had total nosebleed seats, only one row higher than us, but it was still so much fun.  It was the last show of the season, and a matinee, and there were lots of families there.  I loved seeing all of the little girls in their fancy dresses and sparkly shoes.  It was a fairly awesome day all around.  Here are some shoes inspired from the day:
Yowza.  The detail is incredible, but these are not my first choice in holiday-themed shoes.

Artsy.  The nutcracker's hair cracks me up.  So fluffy!

No idea if these last 2 have anything to do with The Nutcracker, but I don't care because they are so very pretty.
The Nutcracker reminds me of 2 things (well, probably more, but 2 for now):  First, my brother loves nutcrackers and has over a hundred of them.  Or more?  Second, the ballet reminds me how uncoordinated and not graceful I am.  I love watching the dancers, they are so amazing.  I would love to be that graceful.  Toe shoes would definitely make me fall on my face.

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