Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I am so confused as to what day it is.  First it was Thanksgiving that threw me off by making me think it was Saturday for 3 days in a row.  Now  I'm confused because I switched my normal day off of Monday to Friday this week.  So yesterday should have been Tuesday as it was my first day of the week in the office.  Today is supposed to be Wednesday.  So very confused.  On that note, and because I will put just about any combination of words and shoe into the image search here are a few things that came up under "confused shoes:"
Ballet slippers had a baby with boots?  How insanely uncomfortable do these look?
Speaking of uncomfortable.  These are insane, and look at her poor toes.  I'm sure my toes frequently look like this, but I don't see them when they are inside my shoes.  What is the point of these shoes?

And this one was just funny to me.  I don't get out much.

1 comment:

  1. My week last week - it had 4 Sat. since the kids had Wed. off as well as Thurs. & Fri. ME
