Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Shoe Tree

So, it turns out, that in addition to the 6 ornaments I got a couple of weeks ago, I had 6 in the box of ornaments at home (all but 2 from church people).  A tree shoe was definitely in order.  I was at Target yesterday and found a cute little 2 foot tree that was on sale, and here is the result:

I tried to get all of the ornaments.  If you're having trouble seeing them, just click on the picture to make it bigger.  I think it's adorable, but it's less full than I expected.  It's a teeny tree with rather large ornaments, but it's by no means full.  It still needs a tree topper, though.  Who wants to find, and buy, me a tree topper??
Oh, this is also in my office.  Wasn't sure where to put it at home, then I realized that my parishioners would get a total kick out of it.
Oh, oh...I also know that I need to rearrange some of the branches. It's a little funky-shaped at the moment.
Third OH:  all but 2 of these are from parishioners (as you already know if you read the first paragraph).  The 2 that aren't are the white and blue appliqued felt ones.  My fabulous mama made those a few years ago!