Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Craziness

Today I got to church, wrote a sermon, did a funeral, did a graveside, participated in a scarf exchange with the preschool staff (fun!), started Sunday's sermon, finished my sermon for Christmas Eve, did a bunch of other stuff, ordered pizza, picked up the pizza, did youth group with the 3-5 graders.  Whew.  A 12 hour day, and I'm glad to be done.  So, some tidbits from the day:

Christmas socks!  I was wearing them with boots under my skirt, but the boots had heels, and eventually I had to switch to flats.  So I was wearing these with my skirt, running around the church, looking oh-so-professional.  But very festive!
This is the scarf I got in the exchange.  It's actually a lot more fuchsia than you can see in the picture.  My phone apparently just picked up the gold.  I don't wear a lot of pink, generally, but this is beautiful and will go with all of the black I wear.  Yay scarf exchange!

My fabulous parishioner has struck again.  First there was the ornaments and then the towels, and today I got these.  They are gift tags!  She said she found them in a bunch of stuff, so she gave them to me.  Woohoo!  I used one of them as an ornament on the shoe tree, and it looks adorable if I do say so myself.
It was a crazy day, but a good one.

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