Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Take A Page Out Of My Book

Our worship and music director got roped into choosing a number for today's post.  It was something of a comedy of errors as it's been so long since I looked at the handbags book that I couldn't remember how high the pages went.  She had to choose 3 or 4 times before we got low enough. is page 432:
It's hard to tell, but it's a snakeskin and gold metallic clutch.  Not so much the snakeskin, but at least the gold is kind of festive.  Nothing terribly festive about page 432 of the shoe book:
These are cute, but what cracks me up is that the description starts with "a rounded backside."  Yes, I'm being totally immature, but I'm tired, OK?
And the calendar picture for today:
This has nothing to do with page 432 of anything.  You want segues, you're going to have to come up with your own until I get a vacation (which I will in January!!!!).  These are cute enough. I like that they look all snuggly and fleecy inside.
Today was busy but fairly good.  Had a discombobulated morning followed by crappy traffic on the commute, and then a bout of grumpiness at church, but then I had a lovely Christmas lunch with staff and SKD.  Then it was back to work with a funeral planning meeting and worship tonight, even though it's not my usual night to be at Wednesday worship.  Definitely time to go home.

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