Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

Wow, the last day of 2013!  I can't lie, I won't be too terribly disappointed to see this year go.  There have been some definite high points, but it was also a year with too  many low points.  I'm ready for something new!  The calendar is being celebratory about the last day:

Sparkles?  Awesome!  Everything else?  Not so much!  WHAT is going on here, and WHY do they need to be peep toe?  Maybe they're cuter from the front?  Somehow I'm guessing no...

THIS is more of what I would have gone with.  Silver sparkles make me think New Year's, but these are just simple and pretty.  We don't need all of the WTH-ness of the calendar shoes.

New Year's Eve is also the 7th day of Christmas.  7 swans a-swimming:

Awwww....look at em swimming.

The Pinterest Friend sent me this.  It's...something.  Again, I must ask why some shoes are created and thought to be a good idea.

These are a *tiny* bit better?  OK,  not really.  These are stripper clogs with swans painted on them.

These aren't technically Christmas socks.  I know.  But I don't have 12 pairs of actual Christmas socks, so I'm trying to stretch things out here.

Happy New Year's!  Have fun!  Be safe!  Don't make resolutions that will only end up making you feel guilty!

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