Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day

It's a new year, which means...

A new calendar!  Squee!

I took off the cardboard wrapping, and here we go

Here all 3 pieces before I go to the very first day.

Which was this.  Blah...way to start the new year with a snooze, shoe calendar.  At least last year's first day had some color and pizazz.  So much build up.  So little payoff.  Oh well.

On the 8th Day of Christmas, I ran out of Christmas socks!  Boo.  These are my last pair:

I wore these on Christmas Eve, so while you've seen them, I haven't worn them yet during the 12 days of Christmas.  Clearly I need to get more Christmas socks, since I only have 8 pairs.  Technically, I only have 5 pairs, as 3 of them are winter and not specifically Christmas.  What will I do for the next 4 days in the sock department?  However will I survive?!

Ahem...moving on.

8 maids a-milking!  Look at how cute they are.

I have no idea what's going on here.  But it's an  8th day of Christmas ornament, so I guess the maids are standng on the cow?  Why are they standing on the cow?  That's no way to milk!  BUT, the cow is wearing shoes, so that made me giggle.

Here the maids have no heads, but they are wearing boots.  Boots that seem a bit impractical for tromping around in cow poo, but oh well.

I'm off to watch my hometown on Restaurant Impossible.  I'm scared, and might need to be held later.

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