Friday, January 3, 2014

10th Day of Christmas

Have I mentioned that I have a sinus infection?  Are you in any way surprised?  Both the hubby and I started getting sick on the 1st (Happy New Year to us!).  Thankfully mine isn't horrible, but I'm flying to MT on Monday (YES!!!) and wasn't going to deal with a worsening sinus infection, so I'm back on antibiotics.  I'm not surprised to be sick,  One of the 12 days of Christmas inevitably gives me an illness of some sort.  Did you see what I did there with the segue? 

10 Lords a-Leaping!  And boy, are they.

These are the same shoes that the 8 maids a-milking were wearing the other day, so there must be a whole series.  Is everything wearing these boots?  Even the geese and the swans?  I will have to look...  And man, those lords have some skinny ankles.

The caption said this was the shoe left behind after one of the lords leapt by.  Um, yeah.  That's quite the stretch.  Oh well.  It's a shoe and it sort of ties in with the day.

I'm posting this one just for SKD and her love of green.  Also, because when I looked back at January 3rd from last year I noticed that the socks in that picture were a Christmas gift from her!  So, don't get your panties all in a twist, other loved ones who also love green, I'm not leaving you out.  Also, these shoes are way prettier than last year's, which were quite colorful, but kind of scary.

Speaking of socks...I found these yesterday at WalMart while I was running and errand. Yay for another pair of Christmas socks!  AND they were only 73 cents!  AND they are stripey!

Speaking of Christmas and gifts, I forgot to post this earlier, but this was a gift from one of my parishioners and her sweet daughter.  In case you are having trouble reading it, it says, "it's a jungle out there.  Be prepared."  Heehee. Love it!

And finally, speaking of gifts and such, have you noticed the quality of my pictures has improved?  Not the artistic-ness of the pictures, because it's still me taking them, but the quality of the pictures themselves?  The hubby got me a new camera for Christmas!  It's going to take me forever to figure out all of the options, but it's fun so far.

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping we're both done with sinus infections by Mon. ME
