Thursday, January 2, 2014

9th Day of Christmas

Today we go from women who are milking to women who are dancing:

Oooh...pretty!  Look how graceful they are as they dance the tree into being!  This is what I look like in my deepest, darkest imagination.

I have no idea what this card says on the inside, but this is more like what I look like in real life:  slightly disheveled, somewhat mismatched, and hoping the shoes in my had will somehow make me less of those things.

So, sadly I am now out of Christmas socks, as I mentioned yesterday.

I love me some stripey socks, so that takes the sting out a little but I'm sad I didn't have enough Christmas socks.  I even looked last night when I was at the store to see if they had any in the leftover Christmas stuff, but no such luck.

The calendar redeemed itself today, though:

I'm not even a huge pink fan, and I still think these are adorable.  Apparently we're starting out the year opposite of last year, which started out cute and then moved to the hideous booties, although admittedly this year's weren't as hideous as last year's.

In other cheerful shoe news, one of my fabulous bible study ladies dropped by church today to add to my shoe tree!

She is so super cool that she even got me the exact blue shoes I was coveting in a post a couple of weeks ago.  Woohoo!

She also got me awesome black, sparkly shoes.  My bible study ladies are the bestest.

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