Sunday, January 5, 2014

12th Day of Christmas

I'm sad that the Christmas season is ending, but not so sad about moving on from the 12 days of Christmas theme, simply because I am running out of ideas.  Today is 12 drummers drumming.

I like the tree with all of the days.  It's like a recap.

I couldn't find anything drum/shoe related until I thought "drum major" and then had to look for majorette boots.  These are hilarious to me for some reason.  I think it's the colors and the fringe.  The hubby would be shocked to hear me say it, but this is one occasion white I prefer white to color.

More like this, although this is a totally different style .  And here's where I tell you that I actually own majorette boots!  They were a parting gift from one of the women in my last congregation.

Yes, this is me without a head.  This is my Halloween costume from 2010, and those are my awesome boots.  These are packed away now, but I'm thinking they need to come out for an appearance soon.

Finally, I was packing for vacation tonight and found these in my sock drawer.  I for some reason thought these had gotten holey and been disposed of.  Yay for one more pair of Christmas socks for the last day of Christmas!  The snowmen are wearing red and green, so I'm going with Christmas on these.

Tomorrow I fly to MONTANA!!!  Nieces here I come!

1 comment:

  1. 16 hours 33 minutes,but who's counting. ME
