Monday, January 6, 2014


Today is Epiphany, the day that is traditionally celebrated to commemorate the time the wise men followed the star and found the baby Jesus.  I did an image search for "king shoes" hoping to find something related to the 3 kings, but instead I found these:

These are images from 2013 and 2014 calendars by an artist named Sally King, and I can't say that I care that they don't have anything to do with Epiphany, because they are really really cool.  You should click the link and check out more of her stuff.

Epiphany is all well and good, but just as important, I flew to MONTANA today for 11 days of vacation!  Both of my flights went well, and I even got in about 10 minutes early.  Unfortunately as Dad and The Bean were driving to the airport to get me they got rear-ended.  Thankfully they, and the car, were fine, so happy ending.  Also thankfully, my mom called me to let me know they were waiting for the highway patrol to get there and would come get me as soon as they were done.  So thankful no one was hurt.  YAY family time and niece spoiling!  Oh man, Laughter is hilarious and she is going to wear me out.  She bounced for 5 minutes straight when I got home, and then followed me everywhere, shrieking with hysterical laughter.  Good times.

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