Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Day With the Nieces

Aaah...lovely day with the family.  I got to sleep in. In fact, I woke up and thought it was early and I could sleep a little longer, but when I looked at my phone it was 10:20.  Dang, how nice is that?  Apparently not nice enough as I then had a 2 hour nap this afternoon.  Now that's what I call vacation. I also got to hang out with the nieces.  DJ is with her mom right now, but I spent time with the other 4.  The older 3 were in school, but Laughter and I spent the day giggling and reading and playing.  We even had lunch at the Bistro, her favorite place.  This evening I brought out my flute, my sister played the violin, The Bean played her saxophone and both Laughter and the Bean played their dulcimers.  We were a very musical family.

In honor of the nieces, I'm going with baby shoes tonight.  I know, they aren't babies anymore, far from it, but they will always be my babies.

DJ has always liked black and has never been particularly girly.  She definitely has her own sense of style, and it suits her.

Double A loves green.  These are simple and sweet just like her.  And I don't mean simple in a bad way...she is just simply the sweetest.

The Bean is into purple right now.  She's my shoe girl.  These are sparkly and sassy just like her.

Flower is also into purple, but "light" purple.  She is our girliest girl, I think.  She loves to dress up and be fancy whenever she can.

Laughter used to be all about the pink, but has recently moved on to lime green.  For her shoes I went with bright and fun, just like she is.

Tomorrow is another awesome day with the fam.  Can't wait!

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