Thursday, January 30, 2014

Auntie's Boys

I love The Beatles.  I've written about this before, and again.  This love was one of the first things that made the BFF and I realized we were meant for each other.  February 9th is the 50th anniversary of The Beatles' appearance on the Ed Sullivan show, so there are all kinds of specials happening.  One of them is on tonight, and I've been setting the DVR so I can indulge.  I think it was Flower who started calling them "Auntie's boys."  Not sure if she couldn't remember their names or if she just preferred that name for them.  I've made it my mission to make sure they know who The Beatles are and to at least know all of the words to Yellow Submarine if nothing else.  So, even though I've done it before, I'm doing more Beatles' shoes.  I'll probably do it again, just be forewarned.

I opted not to look and see how much these vintage shoes would be.  I shall just admire them here.  Actually, they aren't necessarily the shoes I would choose first, even though I appreciate them from a historic perspective.

These I love. Want them.  Would wear them with my many Beatles t-shirts.

 Love these, too.  See comment above.

These frighten me.  A lot.  Why is George green?  He looks like The Hulk.

There are lots more.  As I said, I'm sure you'll be seeing more as I watch more and more specials and immerse myself in my favorite group of all time.