Saturday, January 18, 2014


I made it home last night with no problems.  Hubby came and picked me up and it's back to life in CA.  I must be back to reality as I was greeted with a jury summons to welcome me home.  Oh joy.  Today I spent skyping with Double A, The Bean, and the parents, hanging out with the hubby, and working on tomorrow's sermon (which sadly is not good, but I'm not sure how to fix it at this point).

I have a monster headache. Again.  Seriously, it can find somewhere else to take up residence because I have been playing host to it off and on for about 3 weeks now.  It kind of sucks.  Nothing seems to help, which sucks even more.  Blah to headaches!  But, I have been thinking about monsters lately, not simply because of my head.  While I was home, Laughter talked a lot about monsters (she's 3 after all), and so did The Nephew (who is also 3).  The Nephew cracked me up because he kept saying how he can punch monsters.  I tried to tell him our house is monster-free, but he either didn't believe me or didn't want to give up that loophole where he might get to punch something.  I also finally got to see Monsters University.  I watched it with Double A and The Bean on their first sleepover night.  Since monsters appear to be a theme, it seemed appropriate to give them their own post, which means their own shoes.

Who doesn't love Cookie Monster?  Wait...if you don't love Cookie Monster, please don't tell me because I'm afraid we could no longer be friends.

I'm pretty sure these are knit, but I bet I could find a similar pattern for crochet if I ever needed to make my very own pair of baby monster shoes (monster baby shoes?).

 These are just weird.  But colorfully fun.  And at least they're happily weird.

Are these specific monsters that I should recognize or just monster shoes that someone created?  Either way they would be fun for Halloween.  That orange one 4th from the left kind of creeps me out, though.

Awwww...Sully and Mike!

These are hilarious.  I might also need this pattern.  Because clearly I need monster slippers.  Or chicken feet slippers.  But I prefer to think of them as monsters.  Because chicken feet slippers would be a different post.

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