Friday, January 17, 2014


I'm sitting in the Salt Lake airport, people watching. Well, shoe watching really. If I could take pictures I would, but that would probably be weird. As usual thereare some really cute, really strange, and really impractical shoes passing by me. Sometimes I want to say, "if you can't walk in them, don't wear them! Especially in the airport. Silly people. I didn't post yesterday yesterday because I didn't think you needed two posts in a row of being being totally sad about leaving Montana and my family.I'm happy to get home to the hubby but it sucks that I can't live closer to the fam. I will spare you all of the whining and crying and basic patheticness I am currently feeling. I suck at this long distance thing. I'm totally a sad shoe girl today.

PS...the hubby told me I wouldn't be an awesome blogger until I did a post on the Kindle Firehe got me for Christmas. Looks like I'm officially cool...

1 comment:

  1. Well, we all miss you too and wish we could see you more often. Bean is looking forward to skyping. ME
