Saturday, January 25, 2014

Polka Dot Therapy

We did a funeral today for a very dear and wonderful man who died suddenly last week.  He was one of those people who touched a lot of lives because he was kind, funny, generous, and completely genuine.  There were easily 400 people crammed into the sanctuary for the service.  I know it's weird, but for some funerals I plan my shoes to go with what I think the person might have liked, or their favorite color, or something.  Just a small tribute.  For today I went with my most whimsical pair because of all the silly jokes this man always had to tell and because of our snot conversations.  He and I both had sinus and allergy issues.  I was always running into him in waiting rooms at doctor's offices and after awhile it was like we were on the same schedule for allergy shots.  So we would hang out for our 30 minute post-shot wait time and talk about snot.  We'd talk about other things, too, but snot was a big topic (especially since the hubby doesn't like me to share those stories with him).  You've seen the shoes before, but here they are again:

These are definitely high on the list of my favorites.

Today was hard for a lot of reasons.  The service was lovely, but it's always hard saying good-bye.  The rest of the day was rough, too.  Nothing I'm going to get into right now, but I needed a little more whimsy tonight, so I went looking for more polka dots.  Call it retail therapy by "window shopping."

These are all kinds of ridiculous.  I should probably hate them.  I love them.  I would wear them for Easter.

I think this woman is wearing white tights, but this is my actual leg color, so clearly these would look good on me...

I really love the red-black-white-polka dot combination.  Would it be weird to have like 6 different pairs in that color scheme?

These are also very Easter-y.  I liked them better when I first saw them.  Having second thoughts now.  Apparently emotional days make me wishy-washy.

1 comment:

  1. Polka Nuts are always good at cheering things up! ME
