Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Winter" Fun

We had our third annual Winter Carnival during Sunday School this morning. It's a fun day of crafts and snacks and games, a bit of a break from the normal schedule. Well, I think it's fun. My kids are apparently jaded. I decorated, had a winter story, several winter snacks, pin the hat on the polar bear, bean bag toss that looked like a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallow bean bags, actual hot chocolate and marshmallows, snacks, and goodie bags. I even wore my snowman socks and earrings. One kid walked in, looked around and said, "I thought we were having winter carnival, but this sucks." Another kid walked in, rolled his eyes, sighed, and said "I expected more." Oooookay. Apparently the polka dot shoes from yesterday didn't quite cheer me up because I almost started to cry. Good times, let me tell you. Oh well, I tried. Hopefully you will like these snowflake shoes better:

If I had gotten married in the winter, I would have totally wanted these as my wedding shoes.

Also wedding shoes. Love the detailing, but of course the color should be blue. Because blue is awesome.

So cute! It's too hot here for winter themed sweaters, so I might need something like these instead.

Not the cutest baby shoes I've ever posted, but still sweet. And blue.

It's hard to think winter when it's almost 70 degrees. I'm not saying I need my own personal polar vortex or anything, but some rain and cooler temps would be nice. Guess I'll have to settle for cute snowflake shoes.


  1. If it makes you feel any better our weather is still pretty much like when you were here just more fog. ME
