Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shopping With The Seester

The seester, Laughter and I drove into town today for a bit of shopping and errand running.  It was a quick trip, but fun.  We drove in and had lunch, then went to Target, Barnes & Noble, and Michael's.  We were home by 5:00.  (I should probably tell you that "town" is the city of a decent size about 75 miles from my hometown) Anyhoo, it was a nice day, and we had fun talking and giggling and shopping.  I also had fun playing with my new camera and taking pictures while we drove.  Here are some samples of the journey.

It's dry here...not much snow, which is a bummer.  But I still firmly I believe I come from one of the most beautiful places ever.

When I got home I started getting ready for tomorrow's Holidays festivities.  This is our annual tradition of doing a whole bunch of holidays in one day since I'm not usually home for them.  It started out somewhat simply enough and has since gotten more complicated.  Still fun, though.  So, above we have the Easter eggs  boiling, the Halloween candy and St. Patrick leprechaun gold, birthday cupcakes (which Double A frosted and The Bean be-sprinkled), and the turkey thawing for Thanksgiving dinner.  We'll also do 4th of July, Valentine's Day, and Christmas.  Good times!

1 comment:

  1. Makes me tired just looking at all of that fun! ME
