Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Nephew and the BFF

One of the most awesome things about the BFF is that if she is available and the roads and weather aren't too terrible, she will drive the 4 hours from her house to my parents' house when I come to MT.  Because she's the bestest best friend ever.  Unfortunately, due to one thing and another, we haven't seen each other since the hubby and I got married, almost a year and a half ago.  She and the nephew drove over yesterday, though, and are spending the weekend.  The nephew is now 4 and is hilarious, busy and LOUD.  Man, that kid has energy for days.  It makes me tired just looking at him.  He is totally into cars and planes (and the movies with those names).  Hence his slippers:

Today it warmed up into the 40s and poured rain all day.  Definitely not a winter wonderland this visit.  We stayed in and made pizza and hung out.  Laughter was here for awhile and she and the nephew played for a few hours, which was fun to watch.

I didn't post yesterday because I was exhausted from holidays.  I think everyone had a good time.  There were no major meltdowns, which is always good.  We did Easter, Halloween, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Birthdays St. Patrick's Day, Christmas, and Valentine's Day.  As soon as one thing is almost over the kids ask, "what's next?"  And have a habit of saying, "is that it?"  Jeez, kiddos, we did 8 holidays in 1 day, how much more do you want?  Are you trying to kill the adults or what?  Oh well, this is the 13th time we've done it, and I'm pretty sure we're not stopping any time soon.


  1. My favorite part of the day was Nephew's reaction to Laughter giving Barbie a ride in his airplane slipper - priceless and hilarious. ME

    1. That was awesome! He kept saying, "there's a girl in my slipper!" and she kept saying, "that not a girl, that a bawbie."
