Sunday, February 9, 2014

50th Anniversary

Today marks the 50th anniversary of The Beatles first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show.  I tried to include a video for you, but had technical difficulties.  Rude.  So we will just move on to (more) Beatles shoes.

Now Paul is green.  I realize the 60s were psychadelic, but the colored faces are odd to me.  Although this is better than the ones where George looks like The Hulk.

Iconic image of the Abbey Road cover.  These are going into my imaginary shoe closet collection.

I love the colors.

These pretty much cover the gamut.  Yellow Submarine, Magical Mystery Tour, etc.  There is a lot going on with these shoes.  I like them, bu they are a little too busy.

The cartoon Beatles crack me up. They are so goofy.

I love the Beatles.  Their music cemented my friendship with the BFF.  I love to sing Yellow Submarine, Piggies, and All Together Now with the nieces.  In My Life is my all-time favorite and can make me cry (along with Let it Be, which is the BFF's favorite).  I might not have been alive 50 years ago, but it doesn't diminish my love for the boys.  Happy Anniversary!

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