Saturday, February 8, 2014


The hubby and I spent part of today watching the Olympics that we have saved on the DVR.  I love the ice skating, he likes to watch speed skating skiing events.  I do enjoy the Olympics, although it's rough because I just want everyone to win.  I always feel so bad for the ones who come so close only to lose, or get injured or whatever.  I would not make a good Olympic athlete as I would just cry all of the time.  Or I'd feel guilty if I won and someone else was sad.  Yeah, not a good competitor.  I decided to look and see what I could find for shoes in the Olympic category.  I didn't find much today, but I didn't look too hard, either.  Maybe I'll see if I can find more for a different post.

The hubby actually spotted these.  I'm not sure I would wear these, but as far as a theme goes, I really like them.  I like the sparkly ones better than the others, which is both surprising and not.  Surprising that I like the plain over the color, but not surprising that I like the sparkly.  Good job, hubby!

These came up in the search, but I'm not sure they're actually Olympic shoes?  Maybe.  The colors seem right.  And I like them, so I included them.  I love the stripes against the black.

These were also the hubby's pick.  Very patriotic!

These are kind of plain.  They're my least favorite of the group, but I'm not mad at them or anything.

What are your favorite events at the Olympics?  Do you like the summer or winter better?

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