Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Post About Nothing

As the title suggests, and as I'm going to tell you upfront: this post really doesn't have a point. Nope. Oh wait...besides shoes.  There's always that.  So I'm just going to give you some shoes I found today while paying on the internet.

So the Pinterest Friend sent these to me the other day.  Blue is awesome, they have an ankle strap, and they might be sparkly.  So far so good. But I can't quite put my finger on what about the front bugs me a little bit.  I don't hate these by any means, but something about the front just isn't quite right.  They're still way better than a lot of the stuff that ends up in my posts, though.

Yes, I just posted these the other day, but I ran across them again today and they are what started my me to finding my next discoveries.  (again I must say that these are really cute and I totally covet them)

Except for the first pair, all of the shoes in today's post were found in the same area of my image search.  I love these also.  I want them for Advent.

These would also be good for Advent.  I really like the pop of turquoise on an otherwise basic black shoe.

But these.  Be still my heart.  These are by far my favorite of the night.  They actually make me swoon a little bit.  Which is probably an indication that I really need to get out more.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, red and black made you swoon! Blue is going to be so jealous. ME
