Wednesday, February 26, 2014


So, while most of the rest of the country seems to be floundering in 9 million feet of snow lately, California is experiencing its worst drought in a very long time.  If only there was a way to ship some of that snow here so we could throw it in lakes and rivers.  On the plus side, it's currently raining!  Not sure how long it will last, or how much it will help, but I will enjoy it while it lasts.  It's lovely to listen to.  Since I've already done a post on rain boots, tonight we'll look at rain shoes.

Look how cute these are!  They remind me of Danskos.   The BFF loves purple, and these actually look like her.  Not that they would currently do her much good in the sub zero weather and those 9 million feet of snow.

Also interesting.  I like the front one better as it's brighter, but the back one reminds me of Fall.  And I like Fall, so it's OK.  But I like the front one because I keep expecting a frog to jump out at any second.
These actually ARE Dansko rain shoes.  These two patterns should not be together, but it actually somehow works.  I love the blue, of course.  (See, Mom?  I didn't totally betray my favorite color)

Top and bottom are a little boring, but the middle ones are fun.  I wonder if they also come with the purple accents?

Yes, I know these aren't rain shoes.  But the Pinterest Friend is always awesome about finding and sending me fun shoes, and she loves owls, so these boots are for her.  I think she needs a pair.  The preschoolers would love them!

So there you have it.  Rain shoes.  I'm thinking more stylish and more comfortable (at least in theory--the Dansko pair definitely would be) than rain boots, which don't seem to have a lot of arch support in them.  And yet, rain shoes aren't going to do much to keep your ankles or the bottoms of your pants dry.  But on the whole, I think I am pro-rain shoes.

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