Thursday, February 13, 2014


Yay!  We've reached my favorite color!  This is the final entry in this week's round of Olympics posts.  We started with red, moved on to white, and today we get to do blue!  I know, I've already done a million blue posts, so stop reading now if you are absolutely sick of the color.  Or, come with me and experience just a few more.

We'll start with the practical.   Because I would wear these on days when I was feeling practical (which are actually more common than days when I wear heels).  I like the pattern on these.

Simple, but love the flower.  It's also simple, but adds a really great detail.

Holy crap.  Kicking shoes in my favorite color!  WHY are these so mean and lethal?  Who wears these?

Love the bright blue with the darker blue accents.   And, of course, I'm a sucker for an ankle strap.

Bet this wasn't what you were expecting for sparkly, was it?  I thought I'd go in a different direction since I've already done a whole post of blue, sparkly shoes a few months ago.

Also different in the sparkly category.  I like them, but they are a little too much for me.  They remind me of all of those decorated and beaded things you can get at Cost Plus World Market.  Which isn't bad, just not what I necessarily want in my shoes.

These are the heeled version of my Advent Boots, so of course I love them.

I'm not always a fan of the booties, but these, I like.  I'm not sure I could pull them off, but I love the color.  I could do them with pants, just not sure I could pull these off with a skirt or dress?

So there you go.  Olympics posts.  If you'll excuse me I must now go be tortured by the curling the hubby has saved on the DVR.

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