Wednesday, February 12, 2014


OK, I tried my best, but white shoes just aren't that interesting to me.  The red from yesterday were a lot more fun, but I said I was going to have a theme, so darnit I'm sticking with the theme.  Without further ado:

These aren't my personal style or preference, but I like that they are at least visually interesting.  They would make nice wedding shoes for someone who is girlier than I...

Maybe you'll think I'm weird, but I actually like these.  Except that I worry what they would actually look like on.  Would they still be as fun with a foot stuck inside of them?

And the answer, for me, is no.  These aren't exactly the same, but similar enough that I think we can get the general idea.  See through shoes are pretty off the foot, but not so much on.

Sparkly!  And I kind of cheated with the silver.  And these might be off-white.  But they aren't boring, and I really like them.  So sue me.

These are both cute and not cute to me.  I like the shiny, sparkly beads, but they are also too much.  They are like teeny, tiny disco balls.  Stick em on some kicking baby feet and have a party!

I love boots, but man was it hard to find a white pair I even remotely liked.  (you know, besides go-go boots)  I still don't really like these all that well, but they were the lesser of all of the evils for me.  That should tell you something.

So, white.  Kind of the boring calm between the fun of red and my favorite blue.  I'll try not to get carried away tomorrow and give you 8 million blue shoes.

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