Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Books and Shoes

I finished The Book Thief today.  I sucked me in right away and I loved it from start to finish.  This morning I was so close and I just had to find out what happened. I HAD TO.  So I read, faster and faster, until...the end!  Ahhhh.  No wait, not ahhh.  Damn!  I finished it and I wasn't ready to be done!  I want to know more about the characters.  I want an epilogue that is 500 pages long.  I don't want to leave those characters behind.  I always have this problem with books I love.  It's hell to finish them because it's like losing a friend.  Lots of friends.  I don't want to start another book, because who wants to go through that again?  And of course it won't be as good.  But I always start another one and I generally enjoy it, and eventually I find another book that absolutely sucks me in and the cycle starts all over.  If I had to choose between books and shoes I would choose books, hands down.  I have loved to read my entire life.  So, it seems only natural to bring my loves together (again, because I've done it before, but hush and pretend you don't remember that).

These are awesome.  Not sure what that thing on the back is, but I love this shoe.  It's footwear that you can read!

Cute shoes, but get off those books!  Sheesh, find something else to stand on, lady.  Books are not step ladders.  You need to love them and cherish them.  And occasionally smell them.

I'm guessing those are books of Fairy Tales.  Of course, actual fairy tales are usually gruesome and scary, but let's go with this version, with the fun crown and the cute shoes, 'kay?

Those tights do not go with those shoes, but at least she doesn't appear to be using those books as a footstool.  She might actually be a hoarder judging from the size of that pile.  I'm OK with that.

After yesterday's post, I'm not going to claim this as completely true, but they certainly do bring a certain amount of joy into an otherwise dreary exisitence.

Speaking of yesterday, thank you all so very much for your words of encouragement.  I have felt surrounded and buoyed buy love and good wishes.  The hubby says (and he's right) that I am terrible at accepting compliments, but I am doing my best and taking your words and nurturing them so that they stay and grow and help me as this process continues.

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