Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I loathe the gym.  That might be a tiny bit of hyperbole, but I really do dislike the gym intensely.  One of my goals right now is to go to the gym more, and so far this week I've been 3 times, but it never seems to get easier for me to talk myself into going.  Even when I was in pretty good shape, I would rather do almost anything than go to the gym.  I realize that mostly everyone is minding their own exercise and not paying attention to me.  But.  I always have this fear that there's something on my butt (you know, something really, glaringly obvious.  I don't know what, but something that people can't look away from, but no one will tell me), or I've somehow forgotten some vital piece of clothing, or that I'm going to do something completely stupid and fly off of the treadmill, breaking bones, equipment, and some pissy person's smart phone.  Basically I hate the gym.  I just try to go, do my thing, and not think about all of the crazy what-ifs that *could* happen.

I decided to cheer myself up and look at some shoes.  I typed in "gym shoes," but nothing really came up that caught my attention.  Except for these: did these show up in that search?  First off, they aren't that cute, but more importantly, THESE ARE NOT GYM SHOES!  If you work out in these you are crazy, and deserve to fly off the treadmill (OK, maybe you don't deserve it, but there will almost definitely be consequences).

So then I typed in "rainbow gym shoes."  Much better!

These are all awesome and make me happy.  They would make me happy on my feet, too, but I would spend too much time staring at them while walking or working out and then I would probably go flying off the treadmill...


  1. But maybe if you concentrated on your adorable shoes you would forget about all the terrible possibilites, just be sure to hang on tight. ME

  2. But say you put on that first shoe and went to the gym, that would be why people are staring at just dont wear that shoe and imnsure people wont notice

  3. If I could go back in time to the age of say....25..I would definitely wear those black stiletto heels! Love them
