Sunday, February 23, 2014

Calendar Stuff

Except for Valentine's Day, I have been sorely neglecting the shoe calendar in February.  I look at it every day, of course, but I have been lazy when it comes to taking pictures and posting them to the blog.  Here are a few I selected from this month to share with you:

I love these.  So classy and elegant.  And see?  I can like a color other than blue!

These are crazy, so I had to include them.  I love all of the colors, they are so bright and fun.  But there is a LOT going on with this shoe.

February 6th is the BSF's birthday, and she and I both agreed that these were not the best birthday present.  I like the blue and I like the strappy, but really don't like the snakeskin, or the gold accents.  Even the platform has blue snakeskin.  Again, a little too much happening here.

1940s.  You know how I love shoes from this era.  I definitely want these for my imaginary, vintage shoe closet.

OK, first I love a green shoe and now this is going to be the second blue shoe that I'm  not fond of.  I love sparkle, but this is not good.  I don't like the giant platform, and I really don't like the sequined heel.  It feels like all of the sequins are going to fly off at any minute.  Sigh...don't mess up the blue shoes, people.

Oh man, I love these.  I don't even have words for how much I love these.

Then we move forward to the 19th, which is both the Seattle Friend's and my auntie's birthday.  Seriously, they both deserve better than this.  This is just ugly.  And it makes my toes hurt.

This is also awful, but in a way that is hilarious to me.  Holy buckets, is that much fringe ever necessary?  It's like a leather bird attacked this shoe and then just stuck around.

And now we are caught up.  I like the colors, although not so much the shape.  Finally some blue that I can enjoy without my eyes crossing.  And green!  These shoes are perfect for me and Double A to get and be twins!  (If only they weren't slingbacks.  Oh, and  I have to get Double A to like heels)

1 comment:

  1. I like the 1st green pair except for the weird looking toe. I also like the pair from the 40's. ME
