Saturday, February 22, 2014


The hubby was gone for awhile this evening, so the puppies and I watched part of the movie Up.  OK, I watched it, they napped snuggled.  If you aren't familiar with the movie, it gets the title because one of the characters attaches thousands (millions?) of balloons  to his house and flies it to South America.  In case you haven't guessed, it's an animated children's movie.  Another part of the movie has dogs with collars that translate their thoughts into English.  Not sure I really want to know what the puppies are thinking most of the time.  At any rate, tonight's theme is balloons, so let's get started, shall we?

Fleep flops with water balloons attached. I don't particularly care for them (although I do love how colorful and floofy they are), but there were approximately a million pictures of this idea, so some folks out there definitely seem to enjoy them.  They just seem like one of those projects that comes out of boredom and too many leftover somethings.

Heehee. This one just made me smile.  I've always been impressed with people who can make balloon stuff. But then, I'm fairly easy to impress.

 These are really sweet.  The picture didn't say if these were children's or women's, but with the right outfit, I think they could work either way.

Ooooh. hot air balloons!  I've never been in one, but I'd like to some day besides being absolutely terrified of heights.  Which makes no sense.  The picture indicated these were from the 18th Century, and since the internet is always right, it must be true!  But they are old, so maybe.

These are women's shoes.  I thought for sure they would be children's.  Nope.  Man, these are twee.  All they need is a unicorn and you're set to go. I don't think I could pull these off.

Oh come on, you knew they were coming!

I almost didn't find any heels, but then I found these.  Not my favorite, but they do fit the theme.  Maybe I could wear them when the hubby and I go on our romantical (and mind-numbingly terrifying) hot air balloon ride.

1 comment:

  1. I think a couple of your neices could pull off the black ones. They look like something The Bean might actually like, I'll have to ask her. ME
