Thursday, February 6, 2014

Good Day

Who knew February 6th was such an awesome day?  First of all, it's The Nephew's birthday!  I can't believe he's 4 already.  4 years ago today I was there when he took his first breath.  It was such an honor to be present for such an amazing experience.  And, it doesn't hurt that I can eventually embarrass him with birth stories as well as diaper changing stories!  You might remember that The Nephew loves the movies Cars and Planes.

He probably needs all of these. I'm the mean auntie who bought him books for his birthday.  But  Cars and Planes books, so that should count for something, right?

It's ALSO the BSF's birthday!  The calendar presented her with this for the day:

We both thought this particular was kind of meh.  I like the blue, like the straps, but could do without the snakeskin.  I'm just not a fan of snakeskin.  And it doesn't really say Happy Birthday as well as say, wine and chocolate.  Or a gift card for shoes.

As if these 2 fabulous birthdays weren't enough, today was also the day my Seattle Friend came to visit!  She is another roommate from seminary, another pastor from my wedding (she preached a wonderful sermon and did an adorable children's sermon), and another super-amazing-fantabulous friend  Here's are the feet on the far right of the header picture above..  She's not into heels, but she has fabulous shoes.  She also happens to have the same size foot as I do, so there have been many times I've been totally tempted to steal her shoes.  Today's were no exception:

I wish I'd gotten a better picture of the detail.  They are blue with a darker blue pattern.  Since blue is my favorite color, you can imagine how much I liked them.  She says the are fake Danskos.  As long as they're comfortable, I don't care if they're real or fake.  Anyway, we had lunch and frozen yogurt and then got to hang out and chat for a few hours.  Bliss.

Hope your day was a fraction as great as mine was!

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