Tuesday, February 4, 2014


So...we have puppies.  Our neighbors across the street have 2 litters of purebred Chihuahua puppies, and we got talked into taking 2 of the 6 week olds. OK, it wasn't hard to talk the hubby as he was totally on board.  I'm getting used to the idea.  We got 2 because "they need to have buddies." They are very sweet so far, and did much better last night than we expected.  Here are a few things I've learned so far:  ear plugs do NOT block out puppy whines in the middle of the night.  Thankfully the hubby got up with them a few times when they whined, and the rest of the time they actually slept, which was nice.

The next thing I learned is about poop.  If you don't want to read about poop, you should skip this paragraph all together.  Chihuahua poop is small, but dear god is it smelly.  We put them in their bed last night (just a tote until we could get them a kennel) and one of them pooped.  And then of course they both had to roll in it.  No big deal, right?  They're little, their poop is little, it shouldn't be a big deal.  I have no problem with baby poop, but this made me gag.  I thought I was going to throw up right then and there.  Later, when I took the recycling out, I opened the can and about got bowled over.  The hubby had thrown one of the earlier accidents in the recycling, and it had only intensified in there.  It was like something had died, come back to life, rolled in poop, died again, and decomposed in the can.  I really wish my aunt was here so I could have told her to come here and smell it (family joke).  Thus endeth the poop paragraph.

So, with no further ado...meet Talullah Cooper and Chalupa Batman.  Chalupa was named by the hubby.  He stole it from a show called The League.  It's about fantasy football, and I think there was a bet where the guy who won got to name the baby of the only woman in the league.  He named the baby Chalupa Batman.  Hey, at least the hubby got it out of his system before we had children.

I named mine Talullah Cooper.  In the first hour after we got her she tried to eat:  Grass, a rock, 2 leaves, a strap, and one of the hubby's shoes.  I started calling her Trash Compactor, so then decided her real name needed to have the same initials.  Talullah is from a book I read as a kid, and Cooper is from Laughter's best friend.  I figure if she can be a little girl named Cooper, I could name my little girl puppy Cooper, since I like how it flows.

Oh my gosh.  These do not need to exist.  It's bad enough that there are outfits FOR the dogs, there definitely don't need to be shoes for the ownners with pictures of the dogs.  I will not be wearing these.

These are cuter.  I could maybe see a little girl liking these and wanting to wear them.  I can appreciate they whimsy of these better than the first pair.

Same with these.  I actually think these are really cute, and the puppies are very sweet.

I still can't with these.

Every time I say the word puppies, I keep thinking about the movie 101 Dalmations, where the maid discovers that the puppies are gone and starts yelling .  Go to 3:26 to see how I must now refer to my pets.

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