Monday, February 3, 2014

This and That

It was an odd day. For one thing, we got puppies. I will tell you more about them tomorrow when I do the post on my laptop instead of my kindle. They are sweet though. Other than puppies, it was just kind of an odd, disjointed day, and I'm not completely sure why. So I'm letting others help me tonight.

The Pinterest Friend sent these to me today. I like the bows, but do her toes look really squished? I think PF might have been on a Disney kick, or maybe it's just me, because these remind me of Snow White.

And these were labeled as wedding shoes inspired by Belle. I like the black ones better, these are a bit floofy for my taste.  Maybe if they just had the bows and not the rise I would like them better? So, PF, were you feeling rather Disney inspired today?

I admit it. I stole this from Facebook. I hope the Camp Friend will forgive me, but how fabulous are these slippers? Plus the fact that she is wrapped in a fuzzy blankie? She looks like the snow monster in Empire Strikes Back, but in a totally awesome way. She is just proving one again how fantabulous she is. Whereas I am going to hell for stealing...

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